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Undisclosed Church - Kent

7th November 2009

We do not divulge the identity of this venue at the custodians request but have been fortunate to have now returned on a number of occasions to try and explain what has been experienced by others before us and also what we ourselves have experienced previously.


The site has been a centre of religious worship for hundreds of years and was mentioned in the Doomsday Book (1086). Although not regularly used for worship now the building is still maintained to a high standard and receives many visitors.

The last two investigations here were spent in the east end of the church where we conducted vigils and séances and obtained some astonishing results some of which were recorded on our camcorder footage, please see our previous investigation reports and video footage for more details. During these investigations we had noted that a large amount of noise, taps and knocks were heard, as well as a sense and sound of movement. This was followed by some astounding and very prominent noises being heard.



  The Investigation

Samsung VP-D351 with night vision
Sony DCR HC-24E with night vision and Sony HVL-IRM IR light
Sony DCR-HC19 with night vision and Sony HVL- IRM IR light
Sony DCR-DVD110E with night vision and Sony HVL- IRM IR light

Digital Camera:
Canon 400D
Fuji Fine Pix S5000
Fuji Fine Pix S5500
Fuji Fine Pix S5500
Pentax K-100D Digital SLR
Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ-38

Voice recorder:
Olympus VN-2100PC
Olympus DM20

Video tapes (MiniDV)

Ian, Kim, Paddy, and Dave.

Using visual and scientific methods combined with spiritual theory investigate the background to alleged paranormal phenomena at this venue. We intended to repeat what we had done on the previous two occasions by conducting vigils and séances in the east end of the church, this way we hoped for a repetition of previous results. The usual equipment was to be deployed as above.

We arrived later than normal as we had taken time earlier in the evening to carry out a short investigation in a private residence. However, we had a high level of anticipation given what occurred previously so wasted no time setting up our equipment and getting on with it. It was a windy rainy night so we would have to work over the noise of the rain outside.

Session one – Séance by altar.
Three person séance with the fourth member of the team sitting out to react and investigate anything that occurred. Camcorders and digital voice recorders being used for duration.

Kim, Paddy and Dave sat down for the séance and Ian chose to sit out and observe whilst filming. Dave began by loudly introducing ourselves and our aim to anyone that may be with us.

Dave continued to relay the results from our previous eventful investigations and pressed further for a response. Dave pressed further asking for anyone who was present to join us and make themselves known.

Convinced someone else was in the church Dave and Paddy called out for someone to make their whereabouts known.

Paddy asks aloud questions of a general nature, name, age, etc. hoping to promote a response or at least an audible response recorded by our equipment.

Despite a further period of intense questioning nothing else occurred so the session was ended.

Session two – Séance by altar.
Another three person séance with the fourth member of the team sitting out to investigate anything that occurred. Camcorders and digital voice recorders being used for duration.

Same as last time but with a rotation. This time Dave sat out and Ian, Kim and Paddy conducted a séance. For some reason Kim and Paddy had an unexplained fit of the giggles so Ian started alone, referring to the hilarity and asking if anyone wished to join in.

Ian continued to question if anyone else was present inviting a response. The hilarity subsided.

The rain began to fall heavier.

Ian continues to call aloud and Paddy adds that any noises made need to be clear and defined to distinguish them from the noise of the rain and possible drips.

Ian asks specific questions, who, where, where are you from etc., Paddy assists. Dave, who had been filming hand held in the choir stalls put the camera back on a tripod to continue footage of the séance group and moved the the chapel where some noises seemed to be emanating from.

Kim felt the urge to move and stand up so rather than stop the session the séance group decided to stand up and continue.

The séance continued but despite further requests for activity nothing was forthcoming. So the session was ended.

Session three – Vigil in pews.
All four members of the team spread about the centre of the building sitting in the pews. Camcorders and voice recorders set the four of us spread ourselves around the central area of the chancel.

Despite repeated requests over a period of time there were a few noises heard but nothing seemingly responsive. The rain was still falling and after a while it was decided this session was not being productive so we decided to end the session and close the investigation.

Session one – Séance by altar.
No soon as Dave began calling out Paddy thought he saw someone over the other side of the church. Dave continued to call for a reaction, Kim and Paddy thought then think they hear movement by the altar.

The talking stopped for a few minutes as Dave, Paddy and Kim think they hear movement from the same area where Paddy thought he saw something.

As Dave continued vague sounds were heard from further down the church.

Paddy comments on the feeling that there was something with us, a feeling the team share that something or someone was with us, but that frustratingly would not make it's self known.

Kim felt a large blast of cold air come up from the floor and into her face.

Dave and Paddy were convinced someone else was in the church.

Session two – Séance by altar.
During Kim and Paddy's hilarity a noise is heard from somewhere in the east end of the church.

As Ian continued to question if anyone else was present some noises similar to taps are heard from the area of the east chapel, then as Ian referred to these Dave heard more from the area of the priests door.

As Ian continued various taps are heard. .

Whilst Ian and Paddy asked specific questions, a number of noises, possibly responsive, are heard.

Session three – Vigil in pews.
No results were gathered during this session and nothing occurred of any note.

Session one – Séance by altar.
The person Paddy thought he saw over the other side of the church. was quickly investigated at the time and was found to be an illusion caused by shadows on the architecture of the buildings interior.

The sound of movement heard near the altar by Kim and Paddy were not picked up on our recording equipment, therefore, cannot be analysed or explained. Unfortunately neither, for the same reason, can the sounds of movement heard by Dave, Kim and Paddy.

The teams joint opinion that someone else was with them is difficult to explain given that this is solely based on personal perceptions of the atmosphere at that moment. No conclusions can be drawn from this although the fact that all were of the same opinion is of interest.

The blast of cold air felt by Kim was unusual as despite the wind outside no obvious drafts were noted during our entire time here. There were no other occurrences of this nature and no explanation can be offered.

Session two – Séance by altar.
During this session a number of noises and taps are heard, the timing of some could be considered to be responsive to our requests. Unfortunately the weather conditions meant that none of what we thought we heard could be labled as conclusive, as a there may well have been a natural explanation for these. With this in mind it is not possible to draw any conclusion from what we heard.

Session three – Vigil in pews.
With no results we can draw no conclusion from this session.

A few odd noises were captured on video during our time here, which we are as yet unable to explain, please see the associated investigation video to form your own opinion.

We were not disheartened by the apparent lack of activity on this occasion. Our previous two visits had proven to be very eventful and provided some astonishing results that were recorded. The very fact that little had occurred on this occasion can only fuel our interest in what had happened previously, and given us even more reason to believe that those previous happenings were not naturally occurring, and were caused by someone... or something! Have a look back at the previous two investigations video footage to see what we mean.

During our stay a certain amount of other information was forthcoming to the team of a clairvoyant nature. As Ghost Connections conducts scientifically based investigations we do not publish such observations, however, this information is held on a separate database and may prove interesting when compared to other peoples experiences. Should you wish to discuss this information please email us.

Many thanks as always to the custodians of this venue, a less than active night but always a good venue none the less.
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