Following more noises we decided to enter the room to investigate the possible causes. Dave left his camcorder running in the room whilst Ian was now filming hand held from the doorway. We chose to leave the lights on for a period to enable us to better determine where the noises were coming from. After a few minutes the noises simply stopped. Did having the lights on make a difference? So after a while we turned the lights out again and continued, the noises started again, all be it less frequent. As Dave was sitting on the floor he felt the vibration through the floor simultaneously with one of the noises.


Some more noises were heard then again they simply stopped. Despite some calling out to entice more little occurred so after a lengthy period studying the Great Hall from the threshold of the door leading from the hallway, this first session ended, and we decided to have a break. During the break both Ian and Dave left their camcorders running in the Great Hall.


Session two – Great Hall.

Given the latter part of the last session we decided to change our plan and spend some time studying what we thought had occurred in the Great Hall. In an attempt to protect the environment of the hall and to not unsettle the floor boards we chose not to enter the hall but to seat ourselves around it, each taking a doorway. This way we hoped not to cause any creaks and groans ourselves.


Bradbourne House
