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Undisclosed Church - West Kent

10th November 2019

The team do not divulge the identity of this venue at the custodians request but have been fortunate to have now returned on a number of occasions to try and explain what has been experienced by others before us and also what we ourselves have experienced previously.


The site has been a centre of religious worship for hundreds of years and was mentioned in the Doomsday Book (1086). Although not regularly used for worship now the building is still maintained to a high standard and receives many visitors.

There have been reports of strange phenomena occuring within the church, these experiences are not documented and are by word of mouth.

The Investigation

Using visual and scientific methods combined with spiritual theory investigate the background to any occurring possible paranormal phenomena at this venue.


The team arrived at the venue at 19.30 to meet the keyholder. Rain was falling steadily, the sky was very dark splattered with bright flashes in the distance of the occasional firework.

Whilst the Graham, Ian and Kim were taking in the equipment Dave returned to the car to collect some items left in the boot.

Whilst Dave was at the car, and bent over rummaging in the boot he heard steady footsteps crunching on the floor coming towards him and then passing and moving away.

Dave checked the area with his headlamp and there was no one other than him in the lane.

Dave returned to the rest of the team and continued to set up the equipment for the investigation. Two cam corders on tripods, supporting extra infra red lighting and voice recorders.

The first session commenced with the team listening to the ambient sounds of the building. A car headlights shone through the church windows causing the team to halt the investigation. One the car had travelled around the back of the church and down the lane the team proceeded.

This was a very quiet session and the team decided to take a break.

During the break Graham heard footsteps upon the church floor close to where he was standing, he described it as a crunch on leaves.

During the break another car drove up the lane and stopped in front of the church. Three people were counted with very bright flashlights scanning the gravestones and the church facade. Several times the bright lights shone through the church windows. Luckily for the team the windows are considerably higher than floor level and not readily accessible without a climb. The team remained silent.

As the team were investigating with the keyholders permission they did not want to draw attention to the fact that they were in the building, and not knowing the identity of the people ouside remained silent. One of the three outside tapped lightly on the dorr and said hello, the team still remained silent.

After some time the three outside left the church and returned to their car and left.

The team started another session. A few light taps were heard by the team, nothing significant.


The team have yet to review the recordings made.

The footsteps heard by Dave are a little more difficult to explain. There is a logical explanation that Dave could have heard leaves blowing along the road. However, the team have been investigating for over 15 years and are aware of natual versus un-natural sounds.

This has not been the first inccident that footsteps have been heard in this part of the lane, and with much different weather conditions.

The footsteps heard by Graham can have a similar explanation, their were a few leaves upon the church floor which had blown in while the door was open. However for the same reasons as Dave, Graham does know the difference between natural and un-natural.

Footsteps, currently unexplained.

The other noises heard by the team could easily be the natual sounds of the building, nothing was loud or repetative.

With regards to other people entering the site, the team were in the building on a bond of trust and would not allow other people without persmission to enter the building.The team were saeguarding themselves and the building.


A very quiet night at this venue, spectacular results have been previously recorded here.

The teams equipment may have recorded something else entirely, results will be added when the complete review has been undertaken.

Thank you to the keyholder for turning out on a wet and windy night to allow the team access.
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