
Using visual and scientific methods combined with spiritual theory we were to investigate the alleged paranormal phenomena at this venue. Kim was unable to join us on this occasion so Ian, Dave and Paddy decided that three man vigils were the requirement and we decided to spend some time in areas previously untested, namely the entrance hall and main stairs then onto the basement. The usual equipment as above was to be deployed at each of the locations to be covered.


Session one – Main Hallway and stairs

We began by seating ourselves underneath the main stairs in the entrance hall. Dave’s camcorder was positioned at the foot of the stairs facing across the hallway, Ian’s camcorder was by the front door and faced down the hallway. Paddy and Dave’s voice recorders stayed with us in the area where we were seated. This was to be a simple vigil asking for responses, which is how it started but this was later interrupted by events in the Great Hall so Dave moved his camcorder from the foot of the stairs to the doorway to the Great Hall.


Bradbourne House
